Remy’s 3 Week Puppy Board and Train


Golden Retriever

Cypress, Ca | Puppy Board and Train

Welcome Remy the ten-week-old golden retriever! She is joining us for the next 21 days to work on potty training, crate training, puppy socialization, bite inhibition, manners, and the foundations of obedience. Follow her on her journey!

January 26, 2024

Remy spent her first evening with us getting to know everyone and her environment. She began clicker training by pairing it with her kibble. She didn’t finish all her meal but she is also working for her toys which is very excellent. She is going potty on her fake grass and reusable pee pad and in a few days, we will be working on taking her outside once her body has time to adjust. Right now we reward her whenever she goes potty on the fake grass. She also got acquainted with some place objects and immediately loved them. She weighed in at 10.1lbs.

January 27, 2024

Remy spent the day working on building her engagement. She’s definitely more toy-motivated than food motivated but she does work for her food really well. She is continuing to learn the clicker, pairing it with her name, and her first command, touch. She’s struggling with potty training right now but that’s normal, she no longer wants to go on the grass she wants to nap and play on the grass. She ate all of her breakfast, she didn’t finish her lunch, but she ate most of her dinner with probiotics. Her stool is much firmer now! She’s learning how to initiate play and ask permission and that’s exciting to see. She does get overexcited when working on handling and grooming skills but it’s very understandable for a ten-week-old puppy.

January 28, 2024

Remy worked on her grooming skills today. We spent some much-needed time in the shower getting her comfy with water so she could take a puppy bath from all her adventures in her fake grass. She enjoyed the water; she got lots of treats and enjoyed eating the water and splashing. She wasn’t overly excited so she’ll still need more desensitizing to enjoy water thoroughly, but she is a retriever so I’m hoping that helps us. She worked on the beginning of her leash manners she’s not a fan of the leash, but she got good towards the end of the day coming back when she hits the end of the leash and asking permission when she wants to go somewhere that’s out of leash bounds. She ate all her food today which is very excellent, and her stool was nice and firm. We introduced her to some puppy enrichment toys and chews, significantly decreasing her mouthiness. She loves frozen carrots.

January 29, 2024

Remy spent the day working on pivoting and heel positioning. She was introduced to puppy pushups as well as settling. She’s getting much better with her trading for food rewards. She still struggles with dropping people and food but she’s getting much better with toys and trading the leash. She’s also showing improvements in going #2 on the fake grass she’s looking for the fake grass now instead of just trying to squat anywhere. She’s also learning how to drink out of different surfaces bowls, shower heads, faucets, for future water endeavors. She’s spending more supervised time getting introduced to my cat she’s working on engagement while he’s out and remaining neutral. It’s hard for her, she does get frustrated and then throws a tantrum or gets mouthier. But she’s improving on how fast she recovers from her tantrums and being redirected.

January 30, 2024

Remy worked on socialization and desensitization today! She learned about umbrellas wheelchairs, drills, different types of collars, and harnesses. We’ve been working on building her impulse control and frustration tolerance. This isn’t going to happen overnight let alone over the next few weeks as she is a puppy with puppy brain. She’s getting really good at asking for permission but if you don’t give her what she’s asking for she does throw a puppy tantrum and go on a biting fit. So much of the time is spent on being more stubborn than her, waiting for her to ask permission politely and only rewarding when she stays calm and not give in to the tantrum. We are still working on body handling and conditioning. That one will take some time just because she is not a fan of things on her and she’s having trouble understanding the leash, but slow and steady wins the race and she’s coming along nicely. She’s very smart and she tries to figure out ways to get what she wants, it’s really nice to see her try to problem-solve for herself noggin working hard, she just can’t always get what she wants which is most dog’s problems. We are also making progress with crate training, she is getting the concept of going in the crate when told but I don’t think she understands the word yet. I think she’s just thinking going inside gets her treats and it’s just a coincidence when I point and say CRATE she hasn’t connected the dots yet but she’s processing.

January 31, 2024
Remy spent her 1st Day Out and about meeting lots of new people and investigating different sights, sounds, textures, and smells in areas. We began working on door manners and she got her nails clipped today as well as worked with other people on grooming skills and handling abilities. We were also able to have other people work on her trading game and asking permission to say hi to them or play with her toy. She’s really great at asking for permission and it was really cute to watch! Everyone loved watching her ask for things! She also began her potty training outside today and she successfully went potty on mulch, grass, and decomposed granite!
February 1, 2024

Remy had a big day! She worked on wearing different things like raincoats, shoes, jackets, and onesies with this rain we are experiencing. She spent some time with my cat outside and today they booped noses. She also spent the day working on going potty outside and trading some of the leaves, plants, and mulch that she’s been finding. She’s getting better at her puppy push-ups. She’s eating all her food and some. There are times she prefers treats over her kibble but those are when we’re working on stuff that’s a lot more challenging for her or she views as more valuable like trading things outside. She’s gotten exceptionally well at telling us when she wants things like water, pets, or food. Her leash skills is improving she’s more likely to come when the leash gets tight as long as she’s not asking permission for something that’s farther away, that’s when she still doesn’t understand and wants to fight the leash but she’s making progress calling her over and making noises helps.

February 2, 2024
Remy spent the day working on potty training and socializing! She’s working on her drop-it outside as she loves all things plant-related. She’s eating out of different foods toys and working on her problem-solving skills. She made a dog friend and got to play with them! They are going to be best buddies! She was very tired afterward but didn’t want to stop playing! She also spent time working around other dogs without playing. Her name recognition and recall have been improving she’s currently expecting a treat when she hears her name which is very cute to see how focused she gets!
February 3, 2024
Today Remy worked with other dogs. She worked on sharing and eating with other dogs and practicing waiting her turn to get treats. She has a low frustration tolerance so we’re working on that by highly rewarding her when she engages with me instead of throwing bitting tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants. As well as trying to capture calmness. We are doing a lot of baby impulse control games because she’s still really young with a puppy mush brain. She made a new friend and is working on staying engaged with me in their presence and learning how to initiate play nicely. She went to work with me today and got to be a distraction dog  while simultaneously working  on her focus and socialization around different types or people and dogs. 
February 4, 2024
Remy spent today with some good influences. She got fully groomed today and had mixed feelings about the dryer and her ears being cleaned but she did much better with her feet and her nails. Although her potty training is coming along nicely she insists on going on certain surfaces more than others like she prefers grass over concrete but she holds it longer inside when she has another dog to be a good influence, as in she wants to go potty when they go potty so even if she didn’t need to go potty if I tell the other dogs to go potty she will go right after them! With this rain, we decided to try on some new jackets and work with other dogs so she could get used to them and she picked it up fast she’s not trying to get them off as much anymore and she is offering behaviors in the different outfits. She is asking permission to play with the other dogs and they are teaching her being rude does not get you attention and so she seems to be connecting the dots. They are showing her the ropes! Today we introduced the button that will be the go potty button and she was very proud of herself after initially being concerned and overcoming her apprehension.
February 5, 2024

Today we began introducing more veterinary skills like being carried in certain ways and she was rather comfortable which will help when she gets older and potentially gets an injury or is too tired to walk. We are also celebrating her starting to ask to go outside by sitting by the door! It was 2 times today but it was big progress for her! She’s learning to target her feet so she can work on pushing the potty button instead of running around with it in her mouth as well as help her with her joint end awareness, as a large breed she will need growing up. She is also showing improvement around my cat. She still barks and jumps to get closer but she’s more easily redirected and the cat is able to get much closer before she gets too excited!

February 6, 2024
Today we worked on potty training and trading things in her mouth. She’s getting to the point where she understands the word about 60% of the time! She’s excited about meeting new people and sits for pets if they wait her out. Her grooming skills are getting better. She is letting me pick up her feet now and clean her face. She’s learning to stay calm and sit to open her crate or playpen and before the door opens to go outside as long as I stay calm she sits right away. Today she also worked on settling and keeping busy with us to work on her holding it inside she did pretty ok only having one accident but she’s holding it inside longer!
February 7, 2024
Remy went out into the world today to solicit from strangers! She got to work on polite greetings and meeting different types of people. She also got to hang out with the Stwabbles and worked on just existing with another dog without playing or throwing tantrums! She’s going potty outside and is holding it for the most part until we get outside but she’s also holding it longer inside while just hanging out but she’s still not fully understanding asking to go outside yet so we are still working on that. She is understanding the drop it command now and can be told without a treat and she will drop what’s in her mouth but she still needs to be rewarded afterwards. 
February 8, 2024

Remy had a busy day today! She worked on her button some more she’s getting the hang of pushing it but she also wants to run off with it in her mouth afterward. So still a work in progress. With a little break from the rain today we spent some time out working on recall and trading things she’s found on a walk. She’s getting good at dropping things and now we are writing on generalizing to more valuable stuff! She got to play with her friends today and work on doing some of her commands while playing. She worked on her nails again and she’s doing so much better now! Her door manners are getting really good and we are building them to other types of thresholds now and different doors. She’s holding it in much better inside now and is telling us when she wants water by asking permission!

February 9, 2024
Remy had a big day today we went out to socialize and desensitize to different sights, sounds, and people from all over the world. She is doing much better about holding it and she did great while out. She stayed in the stroller and we worked on her engagement with me as well as being okay with being pet by a lot of different types of people. She’s also continuing to work on using her button and not trying to eat it or run away with it but she’s getting better at understanding that she needs to interact with it either with her nose or her feet at this moment but she’s not understanding why. She’s also doing a lot better at holding it inside when she’s roaming around with us on leash but she’s still not telling us that she needs to go just yet. She’s also been working on going up and down the stairs!
February 10, 2024
Remy had another big day! We went out with friends to socialize and work around busy streets and many people. She went to a grand opening night and got a little puppachino! She worked on her recall around distractions and her potty training in new environments. She met the gardeners today and learned about gardening tools and sounds. She was very excited to watch them and then walk up to her.  She’s improving her pawing for the button and is learning the word paw separately to help pair the two with actually going potty! Right now she trying to figure out what sitting can get her and she’s definitely testing it for everything like toys, and attention from people and other animals!
February 11, 2024

After a long day yesterday, Remy spent the day at home working on potty training and using her button. We’ve also been working on settle which she is understanding but not in the way I want her to understand it so we’re compromising at the moment. Her DROP command is getting really good in the house, she looks forward to me saying the word because she knows she’s going to get a snack and I don’t have to worry or stress about her trying to eat the thing or continue chewing because for her its a game for attention and treats and she really likes playing it. She’s also had a turn in her relationship with my cat they are now on sniffing terms and sitting together terms. Most of the work comes from the cat adjusting to its new housemate but she’s also more relaxed around him now and less focused on trying to play with him or investigate him. She can just be calm around him for the most part, there’s sometimes when she’s trying to play with him, but she’s not as driven anymore she’s OK with just polite interactions now!

February 12, 2024
Remy spent the day making great progress with her button! We turned it into a game with her toy! Which did wonders because she began interacting with it to go outside! Her feet aren’t heavy enough to push it with just one foot but she has begun sitting next to it and lifting her foot!! Which is very adorable! In her mind she’s asking to go outside to play or drink water but going potty is what gets her the water or toy but a win is a win! She got to meet new people today and worked on playing nicely with them, trading things in her mouth, and leave it command! She’s a lot more calmer now that her settle is improving and she’s learning how to communicate her wants and needs!
February 13, 2024
Remy spent the day working on leave it with more items and people. She’s getting better at pushing the button with her nose or hitting it with her paw. She goes and sniffs it first and may need to be prompted to touch and it isn’t always accurate so when in doubt she sits it out! She offers sit really well even outside however depending on how distracted she is it might take a second or two but she automatically offers sits at all  doors and its so cute!! She’s getting more distracted outside now and not as eager to stay nearby so we are working on her recall! She loves when her friends visit and today they went for a walk together where she got to work on recall and leaving them alone so we can walk without zoomies. 
February 14, 2024

Remy had a fun day today being a distraction dog at work! She has been working on asking permission at all doors and generalizing to other people.  She’s been working on her button and is getting more comfortable touching it but it’s still in the hopes that if she goes outside she will get more water but she does go potty as well! No matter how long she’s been holding it or not. Today we worked on engagement while people walked by the house. She’s getting more easily distracted but is quick to ask permission which makes everything easier to handle. She got to work on spending some training time with Elvis. It was hard for both of them to adjust to not playing but they settled in for some quality learning time then went back to playing. 

February 15, 2024

Remy spent her last day getting groomed which was its own adventure! She is not a fan of the dryer but tuna can solve lots of problems.  She enjoyed playing with her best friends on their many breaks but she definitely got cranky and needed a nap. We chose to celebrate her accomplishments by going to a coffee shop to work on polite greetings and telling me when she needed to go potty. She sat and people-watched while motorcycles,  buses, bicycles, and crowds of people walked by and she seemed to ask permission more to males than females. She settled nicely and dropped anything she put in her mouth in exchange for her leash! After 3 weeks, she finally convinced Sergeant the German Shepherd to play with her! Today she began using her button on her own to let me know she needed to go potty! We were so proud!  She was really proud of herself for how confident she was in what she thought it was getting her. Her final weigh-in was 17.6 lbs!

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